Kindly Whatsapp me at 98256286 to find out available slots for theory lessons.
The latest grade 5 digital ABRSM music theory exam consists of 7 questions:
Question 1 tests on rhythmic concept, identifying time-signatures, conversion between simple and compound time and concept of rhythmic grouping. Teacher Jenny has created a chart that simplifies the rhythmic grouping in 3 categories, after practicing on special worksheets that categorize the notes value systemically, students can accurately identify the correct time-signatures according to grouping of notes value. This takes about 5 lessons to cover these topics.
Question 2 tests on navigation of pitches at different registers. A special note chart to help student locate correct note positions at different register, navigating notes between treble, bass, alto and tenor clefs.
Question 3 tests on keys, scales, and key-signatures, including harmonic, melodic and chromatic scales. Teacher Jenny doesn’t require students to memorize all the keys up to six sharps and six flats, it can be confusing because the relationships between these relative major and minor keys are complicated. To help students insert all the ‘#’ and ‘b ‘ signs accurately, teacher Jenny teaches students how to draw a complete key signature chart that helps to identify the keys precisely without memorizing them, this chart carries 40 marks during the exam so it is very crucial to practice on large number of exercises with different question format. This could take up about 15 lessons to master this topic.
Question 4 tests on intervals. Teacher Jenny has found a secret code to unlock this challenging test, she invented a 4-step method and interval chart that can be drawn within 5 minutes and according to placement of intervals and number of semitones on the chart, students will be able to work out the answer quickly and accurately. This topic carries about 13 marks in the test paper so this will take about 8 lessons to master the method.
Question 5 tests on chords and cadences, this is one of the easiest topics in grade 5 test, answer can be worked out easily by checking the key-signatures and chords chart, this usually takes only 4 lessons to master it.
Question 6 and 7 tests on terms, signs, ornaments and orchestra instruments. Teacher Jenny has created a simplified chart that helps students to indicate the features of orchestra instrument, answers can be found easily on the chart when students search for specific features such as transposing instruments, which clefs they use, whether they can be muted and etc. This topic can be easily covered within 3 lessons.
There are at least 30 sets of test papers to be covered as they consist of great variety of question types to be worked on. We’ll spent the rest of lessons to keep practicing on past year test papers until the students can pass with distinction comfortably before they proceed to register for the exam. They will also be advised to take an online mock test before the real exam where the mock test result will be announced immediately after students complete the mock test online.
The lessons are on first come first serve basis, if you are interested please WhatsApp/call me at 98256286 to reserve your slot, we do not collect deposit or registration fee.
Students who make payment to reserve the slot in Mar/April 2024 will get guide book, all worksheets, and test papers and learning materials are FREE.