In March 2020 the Singapore Government has implemented circuit breaker measures which prohibit the gathering of persons not living together. In response to these measures and with support from our students we have moved our piano lessons online. Despite having the lessons online with no physical proximity, Jenny is able to leverage her successful teaching methods for her online lessons. Tools such as Zoom and Skype are used to communicate between teachers and students. A fast internet connection and a good webcam are recommended to ensure that the lessons goes smoothly.
Contact Us
Please contact us using the contact form which can be accessed via the Contact Us! button on the left, email us via or call/sms us via 98256286.
Do note that we also offer online music theory lessons.
Effective Online Lessons
Our online piano lessons are targeted for ages 10 and up. Similar to on studio lessons, Jenny is able to observe the fingerings of the student and is able to comment on the playing technique. Mistakes are immediately detected over the internet and corrected immediately.
Setting Up
For effective lessons, the student is required to subscribe to a fast internet line. A 1Gps fibre broadband is recommended. For the setup at the student’s piano a computer laptop with a separate webcam pointing at the keyboard is recommended, however a mobile phone is sufficient if the laptop is not available. If a mobile phone is used, it is recommended to put it into flight mode to prevent disruption from notifications and phone calls.