Sight reading is a neccessary skill that allows musicians to play music fluently and effortlessly. Developing good sight-reading abilities requires more than just practicing piano pieces repeatitively. Knowledge of music theory can significantly enhance one’s piano sight-reading skills. Why is this so?
By taking music theory along with piano lessons, students will better understand the structure and phrasing of the music score. They will be able to fluently sightread the music and reduce the time spent deciphering what notes to play.
Performing the music with the right rhythm is one of the most complex tasks in sight reading. By understanding the rhythm structure requires them to understand time signature, rests, and other various rhythmic patterns. By internalizing rhythm through music theory, students can maintain a steady tempo, avoid rhythmic errors, and deliver a more polished performance during sight-reading exercises.
Having a strong foundation of music theory allows a musician to be equipped with the knowledge of musical symbols and terminology used in sheet music. From dynamic markings to articulation indicators, understanding these symbols helps pianists interpret and express the musical intentions of a composer in a nuanced and expressive manner.