Watch renowned international pianist Lang Lang perform at the Singapore National Stadium for the Sing50 concert which is held on Aug 7 7:30pm. This concert is also expected to raise more than $200,000 for charity.
Lang Lang will lead a segment involving 50 pianos and pianist, aged seven to 52 in a masterpiece composed by Dr Kelly Tang. The pianists will be accompanied by the Metropolitan Festival Orchestra.
Lang Lang will also duet with his “good friend and buddy” Singapore singer JJ Lin.
Sing50 is a celebration concert of 50 years of Singapore Music co-organised by The Straits Times and The Business Times of Singapore Press Holdings Limited. For more details visit Sing50 here.
Lang Lang regularly gives masterclasses at many music conservatories. His light hearted and energetic style has captured the attention of the world, whether on stage or off stage. A sample of his masterclass as follows